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the Brolita
Brolita is a term for a boy who wears Lolita clothing, for instance the above picture of my character Harvey in a Lolita dress.
Brolitas are all gay: While I'm sure some Brolitas are gay, but not all are. Lolita is simply a clothing style, it has nothing to do with sexuality.
Brolitas are Transgender women: This is not true. A male-to-female Transgender woman is by no means a "Brolita." The term Brolita applies to men and Transgender women are by no means men.
Brolitas are perverts: No. Brolitas are simply boys who like to wear Lolita clothing. It's just clothing.
Really, Lolita is a clothing style for all: men, women, and Nonbinary people. Brolitas are just like female Lolitas, they simply love the clothing style.
I'm really disappointed by Lolitas who dislike Brolitas. Lolita is a lovely clothing style full of lace, ribbons, and frill. Everyone should be able to enjoy it.
I'd like to remind everyone that the almighty Mana-sama is actually a man.
Yes this is a man.
the Nonbinary Lolita
As a Nonbinary Brolita, I'd like to take a moment to talk about the Nonbinary Lolita.
I am a Demiboy meaning I'm half boy and half Agender. This is why I call myself a Nonbinary Brolita. Yes, many people assume I'm a girl, which goes the same for many Cisgender Brolitas. No, it does not annoy me. I don't like being called a female but I understand that it goes with the clothing style. If someone sees a person in a frilly, poofy, lace-filled dress, they are obviously going to assume the person is a female. I'm alright with this and anyone who isn't should not dress in Lolita clothing.
Obviously there's always Bostyle, aka Lolita with pants, but even then you are covered from-head-to-toe in frills and lace.
At the end of the day, my point is that Lolita is for everyone; male, female, Nonbinary, everyone.
I hope this provided some food for thought and tell me your thoughts on the subject in the comments!~
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